Friday, March 13, 2009

Bon Appetit!

Quick update before I pick up the dog trailer after getting it fixed after I broke the lights on it: Tim's taking his 24 in Takotna and says Eleanor is such a....ahem.....shrew as she's coming into heat that he chose to leave her behind [insert inappropriate pun here] and has had two great runs since; he'd been referring to her as Lil' Mary and I would laugh harder if it wasn't so true. I think I've mentioned before that pre-race tension brings out the worst in us, and my mind wanders to the fierce, battling muskox we saw last week, running full-tilt at each other with Flintstone hair-do horns and Dick Cheney snarls...

Evidently, Tim's picked up a parasite on the trail, too, based on what he's told me he's eaten in the short time he's been in Takotna: french toast, pancakes, pies, hamburgers, sandwiches, steaks and, evidently, he's been running two exact teams side-by-side, stores have lined the trail and a radio's been playing. Nothing a little sleep can't erase. I guess the trail's a little wet, but no big whoop and the dogs are eating like champs, too. Okay. Gotta pick up the trailer. More later.

1 comment:

  1. HA! Two wholly separate teams from one sled, a trail lined with JC Penney's, Air Supply softly playing from somewhere behind the sled. The Iditarod really is Tim's dream.
